Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Another cold day - Time to cook!

Woke up to more snow, although it turned to sleet after a while. Hopefully it will wash away the snow, but it seems to be taking some time to do it!

Made a beef casserole and a fruit cake. The house smelt wonderful and the food tasted pretty good too.

For the casserole added to the browned beef some shallots, carrot, red pepper and mushrooms, some stock and red wine and cooked very slowly in the oven. Meanwhile, getting the cake ready: using dried fruit (dates, nuts, prunes, raisins, dried cranberries, plus some diced pineapple with a little syrup, chopped candied ginger too, steeped in some port for a while) creamed sugar and butter, added two eggs, flour and mixed up with a little apple juice.

That went in the oven with the casserole plus a baked potato.

A nice meal, enjoyed with a glass of wine!

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