Monday, 8 February 2010

seeing the light!

Monday 8 February 2010

Still wading through the weekend's newspapers - just coming to the end.  Really interested in the articles on saving money and being a bit greener.  I am trying to use the new light bulbs, but they just seem darker and not so great to read by, taking an age to light up properly.  Am I the only one who feels this way?  Others  feel the same I think - we do seem to be going backwards, rather than forwards regarding lighting our homes. Candles all round soon - but then we will be emitting carbon again!

I am told I can save [b]£95.48[/b] each year by switching to energy saving light bulbs and turning appliances off fully. That is 954.84 kWh per year, enough to stop 410.58 kg of CO2 being produced.
You can calculate how much you can save at [url][/url]
To light or not to light

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