Monday, 1 February 2010

A walk by the Medway

lst February 2010

This was the Medway today, very cold, but sunny, a bit warmer than the last time I was there a week ago, so I didn't drop the camera, which I really thought I would last time as it was so cold!  What a difference a week makes - it was even lighter than it was last week at that time.  So is Spring just around the corner, with the longer nights coming in?

A brisk walk, taking in all the sights, but only a few seagulls flying around and one, lone, black cormorant.  The river is lovely in the winter time I think, every tree branch bare and rigging etched against the sky. A good wlak, providing you're wrapped up warm!

Home then to that old favourite Spag Bol, with fresh basil, and of course, with a glass of red wine.

A good end to a good day

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