Sunday, 12 September 2010

September Days

Have made more apple jelly - should keep us going for a while - nothing nicer than with roast potatoes so the family tell me!

Well grandchildren back to school now and the youngest will start tomorrow, just a few hours at first - takes over a month for the school to allow them to go full time. Still the time will fly!

Saturday, 4 September 2010

making apple jelly...........

Am doing another batch of apply jelly, as it's a quiet Saturday.  Had some apples given and thought I'd better make a start.  Watch this space!!

Thursday, 19 August 2010

A productive preserving day!!!

After a nice breakfast of bacon, egg and tomatoes, cooked by my husband, started on some jam making.  Blackberry jelly to start with, but only made a jar and a half. 

Next it was damson jelly and this made quite a bit more, cooking these with water, straining the juice when cooked, then adding equal amount of sugar and cooking till set. Made quite a lot more this time. Let's hope it tastes nice and tart! Lovely on buttery toast or nice new bread!

Then we both pricked sloes (to release the juices) and put in a large glass sweet jar, then layered with sugar and then finally covered with gin, gave it a stir and screwed the lid down tight. Then into a dark place to wait for the juices to mingle with the gin and the sugar to dissolve.  Hey presto  -  in about 3 months - sloe gin!


Our hazel nuts are ripening away now, we did have some in the garden but the squirrels ate the lot, still as they planted them in the first place I expect they should get first choice!  These we picked on a walk down a country track in Cobham the other day.

My lovely orchid has had seven flowers this year, so let's hope I can look after it till next year!  I bought one the other day which was being sold off as it looked a bit sorry for itself, so I got it for a song. A larger white variety with 3 flowers.  I've watered it and drained it and it's now on the windowsill and looking more happier I hope!  We shall see....

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

how things change......

what a very bad year this has been - it's all gone downhill since March. I have not felt like writing anything really.  Operations, breakups, trauma and trying to keep all the balls up and whizzing about in the air!  Not always possible.  So a little bit of rest and relaxation is needed.  We are off to Norfolk for a couple of days, to walk along sandy coastlines and feel the wind in our faces. Eat some nice food, hopefully and come back ready to face whatever fate has in store for us.  Wish us luck for we will need it.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Rochester from the river bank

We walked into Rochester yesterday and down by the river, then back via the High Street, stopping for a sandwich and a coffee.  Spent some time looking for buttons and looking at some lovely quilts in a shop in Rochester High Street.  Must have walked a couple of miles!

Walked home and then cooked  roast chicken with a baked jacket potato.

Medway in March (two days ago)

Trying to get some walking in in order to slim down for summer!

Managed a quick walk along the waterfront on a blustery day.

Good thing as the weather has now started to change and there is rain about.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Mother's Day approaches!

Well, nearly Mother's Day, the year moves swiftly on, even if Spring seems to be late this year.  My lovely flowers arrived this morning with the grumpy postman!  I thought all postmen were supposed to be jolly - Postman Pat is!  Not this one though! 

However, the flowers are lovely and are cheering up a very gloomy day - we could do with some sunshine!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Friday 5th March - Card making

Card for Mothers Day

Have been busy making a card in time for Mothering Sunday, using the iris folding technique.  I'm quite pleased with the way its turned out.

Managed to get a bit done in the garden today too, a bit of pruning and even hung the washing out for a couple of hours!

A beautiful sunny day too, wished I could have been at the Larkfield Lakes, as I was a couple of days ago, see picture above, we had a quick walk round before doing the shopping.  Nice to combine both!

Monday, 22 February 2010

A few days away

Lux in the Snow
A few days in snowy Luxembourg, a nice break, apart from a lost voice and headcold.  Still found some time to take some pics of all the icy winter wonderland.  Flew home this morning, wet and foggy, not much to see till the sun came out high above the clouds, then descended to Gatwick through the thick cloud to rain again.

Monday, 8 February 2010

seeing the light!

Monday 8 February 2010

Still wading through the weekend's newspapers - just coming to the end.  Really interested in the articles on saving money and being a bit greener.  I am trying to use the new light bulbs, but they just seem darker and not so great to read by, taking an age to light up properly.  Am I the only one who feels this way?  Others  feel the same I think - we do seem to be going backwards, rather than forwards regarding lighting our homes. Candles all round soon - but then we will be emitting carbon again!

I am told I can save [b]£95.48[/b] each year by switching to energy saving light bulbs and turning appliances off fully. That is 954.84 kWh per year, enough to stop 410.58 kg of CO2 being produced.
You can calculate how much you can save at [url][/url]
To light or not to light

Monday, 1 February 2010

A walk by the Medway

lst February 2010

This was the Medway today, very cold, but sunny, a bit warmer than the last time I was there a week ago, so I didn't drop the camera, which I really thought I would last time as it was so cold!  What a difference a week makes - it was even lighter than it was last week at that time.  So is Spring just around the corner, with the longer nights coming in?

A brisk walk, taking in all the sights, but only a few seagulls flying around and one, lone, black cormorant.  The river is lovely in the winter time I think, every tree branch bare and rigging etched against the sky. A good wlak, providing you're wrapped up warm!

Home then to that old favourite Spag Bol, with fresh basil, and of course, with a glass of red wine.

A good end to a good day

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Pork and Apples

31st January - last day of January - cold and wintry - I'm not sure I'll miss it!!

Had a ssslllloooowwwww cooked meal today in the SlowCooker, using browned, diced pork fillet, carrots, stick of celery, shallots, garlic, sliced potatoes and sweet potatoes, mustard, powdered coriander, pearl barley, stock and the secret ingredient - my homemade apple puree, made in the autumn and so good with a pork casserole.

Cooked together for a good 5 hours, it tasted wonderful and there were empty plates! 

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Is more cold weather on the way?

Walked along the river opposite Upnor Castle yesterday afternoon, it was grey and cold, getting dark by three thirty, but very quiet with just a few birds calling.

Nice to get home and put feet up in the evening with tv and the paper!

Sunday, 24 January 2010

A January Sunday

24 January 2010

A cold day, just right for reading the newspapers, drinking tea!
Nice to look at flowers too. You feel Spring might just be around the corner.

Let's hope it's not cold enough for

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

January Blues!

Typical Grey Day

A dull, dark January day, one to stay indoors in I think. Still I am having my hair done tomorrow so something to look forward to. Also have decided to brush up on my French and German which is very schoolgirlish. Can I remember back that far? So I am being very positive and have even done the ironing which can't be bad! Can I keep this up I wonder.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Another cold day - Time to cook!

Woke up to more snow, although it turned to sleet after a while. Hopefully it will wash away the snow, but it seems to be taking some time to do it!

Made a beef casserole and a fruit cake. The house smelt wonderful and the food tasted pretty good too.

For the casserole added to the browned beef some shallots, carrot, red pepper and mushrooms, some stock and red wine and cooked very slowly in the oven. Meanwhile, getting the cake ready: using dried fruit (dates, nuts, prunes, raisins, dried cranberries, plus some diced pineapple with a little syrup, chopped candied ginger too, steeped in some port for a while) creamed sugar and butter, added two eggs, flour and mixed up with a little apple juice.

That went in the oven with the casserole plus a baked potato.

A nice meal, enjoyed with a glass of wine!

Friday, 8 January 2010

Still Snowing

8th January 2010 (Elvis' birthday)

Still snowing - England is an icy wasteland it seems, saw a satellite picture today in the newspaper and it was showing England almost completely white. More snow here today and we broke off icicles to show the grandchildren and we all licked one of nature's ice lollies!

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Dinner for Two on a cold snowy night.

7th January - evening meal.

My version of cauliflower cheese, which to the usual cauliflower I add a little bit of brocolli, a little fried chorizo and onion (no added oil here) one baked potato sliced and then a cheese sauce poured over. Top with cheese (mine was Wensleydale with cranberries - left over from Xmas) and breadcrumbs.

Pop in a hot oven for 35 to 40 minutes and what could be nicer!

Snow, snow and more snow!


A cold and wintry day - buses and trains restricted - certainly a day for staying at home.

Resolved to make my own Christmas cards for 2010 or 2011 - depending on how motivated I am. I have still got a few left to use, but the sales produced nothing I liked, so I'm determined to make my own.

So far, this is the result, sewing the motif freestyle onto a variety of strange backings!

Think it's time to think about dinner and a cauliflower cheese bake seems imminent. Warm comfort food for a chilly January day.